~Blue-Bum-Sheep, people behind stories ~
Hi, my name is Natalie, the founder of this storytelling website. The website name originated years ago while I was cycling to school with my then four-year-old son. When we saw the sheep in the field, we burst into laughter because their bums were blue. He a happy boy and I a frantic mum, we still have a good laugh about it now and then.
Later, I realized that there are countless proverbs comparing people to sheep, such as “when one sheep crosses the dam, others follow.” This illustrates how we often exhibit herding behaviour just like sheep, even if it means ignoring our true feelings, thoughts and desires. We also exclude each other – “the black sheep” – and then stamp each other out (figuratively), just like farmers mark their sheep with colors: red, green, or – in my example – blue.
In sharing my stories, I step out of my shadow. Maybe it resonates with you, or gives you (re)recognition of what is going on inside you. It can all be there. Because: How cool is it when we include each other in the herd and share our everyday stories? To understand, touch, make each other happy, not condemn and just don’t label. The first writings I share are about my past. Although the weight of them is no longer as heavy as it used to be, my heart still guided my pen to write about them first. Future stories and articles will give you a glimpse into more recent experiences and my thoughts on various topics, such as mental health, spirituality and more. Do you want to share your story? Then read on here and get in touch. Let’s create a lighter energy together through openness and understanding.
Love, Natalie
Natalie Spaans
It is my intention to contribute to a world in which we acknowledge, feel, process, and heal our pain through emotionally deep experiences.
I do this by being open about my own experiences and sharing them here, and by collaborating with like-minded people.
I value purity, personal freedom, exploration, and simplicity. I carry these values outward but also, and especially, inward.
My heart(energy) is my compass.