Light, love & tralala (2016)

Light, love & tralala (2016)

An immortal soul – infinite consciousness – with a human experience. That was first, then the earthly jacket: “Holy smoke, is it?” In the summer of 2016, my ex – dad of our son – discovered green smoothies and the meditation app...
Runnaway Train (1993, 2022)

Runnaway Train (1993, 2022)

Horror is real and Runnaway train shows that – without leaving it to the imagination. “Good morning, Golden Morning” – With a breezy jolly pace, radio DJ Marisa greets her listeners and then pronounces the name of the song she just played for ‘just...
Stay of my body (1988-1990)

Stay of my body (1988-1990)

Groceries disappearing from shared refrigerators. Women who awoke hysterically from their nightmares. Was it because of their fears, sadness and despair; translated into the images that haunted them? Children still wetting their beds. Women who manipulated and bullied...
Great disappearing act (1988)

Great disappearing act (1988)

A suitcase, cheerful weekend bag, treats for the road and loose toys or a book in your hand: car in, car out and “mind your step” on the way to the departure halls. You may remember this scene from your own childhood. Jitters in your tummy from the...