Runnaway Train (1993, 2022)

Runnaway Train (1993, 2022)

Horror is real and Runnaway train shows that – without leaving it to the imagination.

“Good morning, Golden Morning” – With a breezy jolly pace, radio DJ Marisa greets her listeners and then pronounces the name of the song she just played for ‘just woken up’ Holland. “Runnaway train by Soul Asylum; that was a big hit in 1993” and then we move on to the next track for us radiolisteners. With a knot in my stomach and tears behind my eye sockets, I sit in the car, not yet ready for the upbeat note that has now begun. My mind, thinking in pictures, colors, smells and empathy, still lingers on the runaway train.

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Stay of my body (1988-1990)

Stay of my body (1988-1990)

Groceries disappearing from shared refrigerators. Women who awoke hysterically from their nightmares. Was it because of their fears, sadness and despair; translated into the images that haunted them? Children still wetting their beds. Women who manipulated and bullied other women and their children – probably – because they themselves knew nothing but that. Men who had found out the address of the house, posing a threat to all the residents.

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Great disappearing act (1988)

Great disappearing act (1988)

A suitcase, cheerful weekend bag, treats for the road and loose toys or a book in your hand: car in, car out and “mind your step” on the way to the departure halls. You may remember this scene from your own childhood. Jitters in your tummy from the adventure to come. My mother was not in a vacation mood that day; she was nervous, somber and absent-minded. But she was more often that way from the time she was with our new father. I was eight when she met him and my sister thirteen. He was from Egypt, the city of Alexandria. There couldn’t have been a greater contrast to how our mother lived before she met him. She stopped dancing and wearing her beautiful high-heeled shoes, she also stopped working and – suddenly – seemed to value family life more. He was Muslim and she immersed herself in its basics.

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